Olav (Ole) Melingen Steffensen (1872-1944) |
Se bilder fra Steffensen slektsstevnet i Mjeldalen juni 2000. Photos from the Steffensen family reunion June 2000 of Lina and Ole's descendants.
Page updated: 05-03-2001 |
Genetic parents: Steffen Jons. Melingen (1838-1918) Anna Olavsd. Fylingen (1834-1916)
Genetic children: Klara Amanda (1893-1995) Sverre (1899-1979) Olaf (1903 -1978) Otto (1909 - 2000)
Other relations: Wife: Olina Maria Mikjelsd. Øvre Mjelde (1868-1947)
Sisters and brothers: Lars (1862-1933) Kari Maria (1865-1935) Johanna (1868-1882) |
Ole was the chief engineer onboard the "Brant County" |
(An extract from a presentation of the Steffensen family made by Marit Selvik Kallekleiv) When
the industrial revolution started about 1840, Norway changed from an
agricultural to an industrial society. And in 1846 when Peter Jebsen
came from Schlesvig-Holstein in Germany to Ytre Arna he saw the
possibilities in combining inexpensive hydropower from the river with
textile milling. He purchased the titles to the river and land from the
farmers in Ytre Arna, and the mill was established. It became a
well-organized factory with machines for spinning, dying and weaving
cotton and wool. People
moved to Ytre Arna from the countryside to look for work at "Elvæ"
as they called it. And soon
Jebsen built houses, shops and a church for the workers, and fire
department, health service and school was organized. Steamships with
large sailships in tow carried wool and cotton from South America into
the harbor. From the storehouses the raw material was brought by horse
and carriage to the mill, and
there were two or three such horse teams working at the mill. Steffen
and Anna - Ole's parents moved from the
farm Mellingen to Ytre Arna to find work, and Steffen worked as a
driver. He brought raw material in the carriage drawn by the horse from
the ships to the mill, and
cotton and wool cloth back from the mill. Then the ships sailed to
Bergen with their cargo or further into the world. Imagine the busy
docks in Arna at that time when the vessels loaded and unloaded their
cargo.(Source: A/S Arne Fabrikker 1846-1946. Published by Sigurd
Grieg, direksjonen 1946). Maybe
Ole inherited his affection for horses from his father "Steffå Kjørar"
(Steffen Driver), and is this why he became interested in farming and
later persuaded Lina to buy her family's farm in Øvre
Mjelde? Was it as a young boy watching the busy harbor in Ytre Arna
Ole decided to become a seaman? And is it possible that as a young
worman Lina came across the fjord to look for work at the factory? With
their different backgrounds from rural Mjeldalen and industrial Ytre
Arna Lina and Ole "tied the knot" 28 December 1891. They
moved to Bergen and Ole became a student at the Engineering School in
Bergen where he graduated as a ship engineer in 1895. By then, Lina and
Ole had two little girls, Amanda (1893) and Margit (1894). Later Sverre,
Olav and Otto was born, and the family lived in a small house in
Steinkjellergaten 1a, on the Bryggen side of Bergen. Lina kept house
while Ole worked as a chief engineer – on ships both in domestic and
foreign trade. In 1924 Ole was transferred to Le Trait, Normandy in France, to work as a inspector on the shipping company’s three newbuildings at the local ship yard. But French cooking and food was not to his liking, carrying bread under their arm without wrapping it was unheard of, Ole thought. He sent for Lina who came with their youngest son Otto to keep house for him. Sverre was old enough to look after their farm in Bergen by now. Ole and Lina lived partly in Bergen, partly on their farm in Mjeldalen untill they died.
Utdrag fra en presentasjon laget av Marit Selvik Kallekleiv: Ytre
Arna (Kilde: A/S Arne Fabrikker 1846 – 1946, Sigurd Grieg, utgitt av direksjonen i 1946). Med disse trådene
fra Lina sin gamle
bondeslekt i klyngetunet i
Øvre Mjelde og fra Ole sin barndom i industrisamfunnet over fjorden,
ble det knyttet bånd den 28 desember 1891. 1924 ble Ole
sendt til Le Trait i Nordmandie i Frankrike for å ha tilsyn med
nybygging av tre båter for rederiet. Men han fant seg ikke helt til
rette og klaget over den franske matkulturen. Franskmennene bar brød
under armen uten å pakke det inn, og fisk og høns ble ikke vasket før
de stekte det. Ole sendte bud på Lina som reiste ned sammen med Otto
for å stelle for han. Sverre var nå blitt voksen og hadde overtatt
stellet av gården. Margit og Amanda fant sin hver sin Barbu-tvilling - Mons og Martin. Mons og Margit overtok odelsgården – Martin og Amanda flyttet til Oslo og fikk de 9 jentene Lilly, Anne Lise, Margit, Ruth, Mary, Tulla, Eva, Bitten, Sylvei og så broren Rolf. De to familiene ble sterkt knyttet til hverandre, særlig da Mons døde og etterlot seg 8 år gamle Anna og småbrødrene Ole, Otto og Magnus. Sverre overtok slektsgården etter foreldrene, og på nabogården hentet han sin kone Marta Sivertsdatter. Her vokste Olaf, Solveig, Oddbjørg, Magnhild og attpåklatten Reidun opp. |